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NeuroNYC at OpenBCI

  • OpenBCI 67 West Street Brooklyn, NY, 11222 United States (map)

The second of a recurring free happy hour series meant to foster engagement between NYC's neurotech community. This happy hour will be hosted and sponsored by OpenBCI

NeuroNYC, the group behind the happy hours, is a collaboration of neurotech enthusiasts from many of the exciting neurotech companies now headquartered in NYC including OpenBCI, Synchron, Sharper Sense, NeuraLenz, and Invictus BCI. We are all excited by the growth of neurotech in NYC but felt there was a lack of events promoting communication between the different neurotech companies, labs, and investors. We are hoping this happy hour series will help fill that void. Moreover, we're looking for more members to join and more companies/labs/investors who are excited to host future happy hours in the series!

This is a free event and there will be complimentary drinks and food. However, the invite is open to those in the greater neurotech space and including industry, investors, research labs, and those new to neurotech. There will be some brief conversation at the start about the NeuroNYC initiative and companies behind it and then the greater majority of the time will be open for drinks and good conversation!

The event is free, but we appreciate any donations towards the cost of food and drinks!


May 3

NeuroNYC at Sharper Sense

November 6

NeuroNYC at Synchron